• Moonlight and sorrow

    Had I seen her in the moonlight on that fateful day,  I’d have taken her hand much to my dismay For once I had that sight upon my lonesome face My heart was doomed to fall from that damnful place. Should it had fallen to the ground in hellfires flame,  I could not say I’d… Read more

  • Memoirs from a battlefield.

    I held my sword, my hands growing red from the grip. My clothes were torn, my pride shattered. She stood in front of me panting, pointing the tip of her weapon at my throat. My knees pained me, hard against the dirt and stones. I felt the tears fall down my face, I wasn’t sure… Read more

  • The Library

    There are several ways to find the library. There is no correct way to do so, and it will not change the journey you find yourself in.  Upon your arrival there is a table, always as high as your hips, bearing on it three objects that will never be there again and never have left. … Read more

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